A Great Gatsby Wedding {Caleb and Lisa}
When I first met Lisa and Caleb I knew their wedding would be fabulous. Yep, I called it. And it was even better than I had imagined.. if that's even possible. Lisa is a Graphic Design graduate of Pensacola Christian College-just like me! We have a lot in common, including a love for design and details. Her wedding was nothing short of this and the pictures tell it all, so I'll let them do the rest of the talking... with a few side notes every now and then ;) I can't help it.
Her ring is so stunning.. rose gold fits Lisa perfectly, oh and the whole theme of her wedding.
If anyone knows Lisa, this is her face pretty much 24/7. Always smiling.. such a happy heart!
I could never walk in shoes like this, but they sure are gorgeous. If only I was a few feet shorter and a whole lot more coordinated.
Don't let boys fool you, I'm pretty sure they enjoy having their picture taken..
Especially these guys..
The gorgeous bride
And her girls...
Those dresses are perfect. When Lisa first told me that the bridesmaids would pick out their own dresses and the groomsmen would wear their mismatched suits, I will be honest, I couldn't quite picture how it would all come together. But wow. It came together I think even better than she had imagined. I love how each bridesmaid's personality was seen in their style of dress.
The first look. He was literally beaming. Red face and all.. and don't let that huge smile fool you, there were tears.
If anyone knows Lisa she is the QUEEN of facial expressions. Especially to Caleb.. and especially during moments like this.